The White Bench

It didn’t last long. Not long at all. One more circuit of the park and the bench was back to its faded greens and blues, fully embossed with red and black graffiti.

It was a bit of a surprise to find snow on the ground that morning, we had after all been enjoying the flowers of spring. By the time I got to the park, the snow had mostly disappeared, except for on a park bench. Strangely this bench was in full glare of the rising sun.

So here is the bench donned in its winter coat.

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I hoped you liked that little blast of winter as we head on into spring.

16 thoughts on “The White Bench

    1. Thought as much Dale. it’s ironic that i have a friend who has gone over to Canada (Fernie) and the snow is the worst they have had there for over 40 years – not much of the stuff and it is a ski resort….The vagaries of it all. MM 🍀

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      1. Right now I am freaking out. There is so much snow on the tempo that the frame is coming undone! My son and I tried to take off as much as possible, but there is a huge crust… plus it slides down the sides and accumulates there! I seriously don’t know what to do! This was Mick’s department… Och!

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