If the Cap Fits

A couple of images from Cahirmee Fair of a fine older man looking to sell his horse.

I was just on the way out of Buttevant to where my car was parked when this man took my eye. A fine example of a country old boy and there was something in his eyes. So up I went and asked if I minded taking his picture with his horse. Could not help but take one of the man by himself as well and he seemed well pleased by what he saw on the back of the camera.

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So thank you Sir, to you and your horse.

14 thoughts on “If the Cap Fits

  1. Love how the horse is clearly trying to give you his best side.

    By the way, was it cloudy on the day you took the photos? I can feel the rain in the air; during the summer months I so yearn for the autumn (I’m in Los Angeles, so good luck wishing for rain!).


    1. Rain was forecast and it had rained in the night but we got away with it. At this point it was actually getting quite bright, though still pretty humid. So rain in the air but not falling.

      Enjoy the summer, autumn will be here soon enough….😃


      1. That’s so sweet. Things are good here, thank you for asking. Just fyi, soon I will not be here for awhile though. I’m having my second knee replacement on August 12. I’ll miss posting but hopefully I’ll still be following! 🙂


  2. There’s is an almost ‘stagey’ look to the picture. I love the way the backgroud is sort of flat, almost painted looking. Actually it looks as if he’s about to burst into ‘a four-legged friend’ or something, and all the people in the background will start singing and dancing. (Copyright MM Musicals?)


  3. Great portrait of a man MM.. A shame you couldn’t follow him home for some more great pics in his own territory. He has that kind of face that makes you want to keep taking photos… He has sad eyes though, would be great to know his story in life..


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