Over the Sea to Skye

Catching up with the TV series on the Hebrides and its Islands, I was pleased to see the virtues of the short ferry crossing from Glenelg on the mainland to the Isle of Skye being extolled. The small ferry plies its trade at one of the narrowest parts of the strait that separates  the mainland of Scotland from this majestic isle. The ferry only carries a handful of cars at a time and normally runs from around Easter to October. I love the fact that it states the ferry runs every 20 minutes or so, depending on demand. It is a community based enterprise that is  subsidised.

For many though, the short trip harks back to more traditional times and provides the opportunity for spotting seals, otters, dolphins, white tailed sea eagles and other delights. When we crossed, seals were the highlight, despite also heading to the otter hide at Kylerhea on Skye. Of course, the TV programme showed off some fabulous sightings, including a sea eagle, all from the deck of the ferry.

The choice is yours, you can zoom across the super modern bridge that now links Skye to the mainland and get to your destination really quickly or you can  opt for the short ferry, take your foot off the pedal, see a master helmsman negotiate the strong currents, take in the surrounding scenery and give yourself the opportunity to see one of the world’s greatest shows on earth unfurl before your eyes. The natural world at its best.

In the small gallery I include a shot of the ferry plying its way across the strait, the reflections of Glenelg in the morning light and some of the earlier risers at the Inn.

13 thoughts on “Over the Sea to Skye

  1. It’s the colours that make me go ‘wow’ – I remember on the Foxford Woollen Mills tour they do a video showing how the strands in a Foxford rug are inspired by the colours in the surrounding landscape – heather, gorse, moss, turf, etc. I can just imagine a tweed woven using those colours in your pictures. Beautiful.


    1. This was the place my wife saw the plant Broom and thought it beautiful – as in the flower in “The Origins of MM”. The two Glenelg photos were taken really early in the morning. In a place like this one cannot hep but feel alive! MM 🍀


    1. And you also get breathtaking views of Sheildaig by going over the road to Glenelg – may see if I can post a shot. On this trip the car rental place had run out of super economy cars, so we had to put up with a brand new convertible golf 😃😃😃. Looked like a right pair of “******” (fill in as required) crossing onthe ferry with the roof down.

      Look forward to seeing your September pictures. MM 🍀


    2. Probably should have added that we came back via the Mallaig Ferry (still not been over the bridge yet) which was brilliant as enabled us to do a circular tour. Let’s face it Arisaig and around there ain’t too bad and we came back via Glenfinnan….MM 🍀


  2. Definitely the slow road. I can see the convenience of a bridge for everyday, but for holiday travel, it’s hard to turn down a ferry.


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