Weekly Photo Challenge – Abandoned I

For this week’s challenge I knew I had to get on out there and take some new images. We are, after all, blessed with many examples in these ancient lands.  Where I would go I did not know, but got in the car and headed off in a rather vague direction to see what I would find.

I came across some rather run-down and abandoned farm buildings, tiles sliding off the roof, but alas could not gain a decent view.

On I went until I met up with another road and a ruin I had stumbled upon before.  This is Ballyannan Castle near Midleton, or rather what remains of it, having long since been abandoned by all except the crows.

Abandoned to the Crows
Abandoned to the Crows

On I went with my journey, unaware of the gem that I was soon to encounter.

29 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge – Abandoned I

  1. Thankyou for those pictures.my father grew up in the farm house in ballyannon..so the castle was abit of a playground for us.as children..
    I thought the title..abandoned ballyannon was very apt indeed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a playground! Absolutely amazing and even today, Harry Potter enthusiasts would conjure up all sorts of magic there (if they could). Hopefully it is not too immersed in water right now as Midleton has been hit be all the heavy rains / tides. Great to hear from you and thanks for taking the time to comment – it really is appreciated. John / MM 🍀


  2. You are blessed indeed to have many old, abandoned edifices to choose from in your neck of the woods! Gorgeous images, as per usual….I love the two colours on the roof!


  3. Lovely to see the old buildings and castles. You should come out and see Carrigrohane Castle which has numerous trees and rookeries too, even though the O’Briens still live there, and the nearby protestant Church! 🙂


  4. Its so true, we have an abundance of these abandoned places, I really love the last shot with the three chimneys, it reminds me of Carbury Castle for some reason. The crows circling are the icing for this shot, really nice, 🙂


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