Silk Beauty that spells Trouble

Introducing the convolvulus, more commonly known as bindweed, a camera’s friend but a gardener’s nightmare.  This weed creeps all over the garden at an alarming speed and I have read that its roots can lie as deep as 9 feet (c.2.7m). Herein lies the real problem, as small bits of root are still likely to sprout and cause the weed to re-establish itself once more. So getting rid of it once in a garden is a complete nightmare. I should know, we have tried clearing mountains of the stuff from the vegetable plot. In fact The Sage refers to this weed as “the devil”.

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Here I hope to show its prettier side as caught by the camera and using specimens that I am glad to say were growing well outside the garden. The flower really is quite delicate and beautiful.

6 thoughts on “Silk Beauty that spells Trouble

  1. Thanks for this. I was a little disappointed that this post did not get more likes as I really like the photo entitled ‘The Silk White Petals Furl in the Wind’. Your own appreciation of this post has gone a long way to erasing this disappointment. MM 👍


  2. beautiful yes but nightmare is an gross understatement… having dealt with this plant in a couple different gardens I’ve had, I just resigned myself to the will exercise of perpetual/consistent/non-stop trimming, weeding, digging, and more than a little cursing… but I did learn to admire it’s tenacity in calmer moments.


  3. We have mountains of this stuff, too. Pulling it up is one thing, but disposing of it is another. There is always some bit of it lurking in a corner, ready to sprout or flower and spit out seeds. It’s not a native plant, either: someone, sometime brought it here as a “gift”.


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