Sun rising over the Inner Hebrides, Scotland

Colonsay Dawn

This is my first post in a while, an image taken while away on Colonsay in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland. I deliberately got up early this particular morning and hoped to be rewarded with a glorious sunrise – the forecast was improving greatly.

Unfortunately it didn’t really happen, but with a small tweak or two I got the sense that I was looking for.

The image is taken from just behind the church in Scalasaig looking out towards Scarba, with Jura appearing on the right.  Hope you like this one too.

Got any favourite islands of your own?

33 thoughts on “Colonsay Dawn

  1. Well done. Beautiful photo.
    I lived in the Marshall Islands for 2 years and it was just a short walk for sunrise or sunset. In the morning the colors washed through until the Sun peeked above the water and sunset was just the opposite. Colors would hold there brilliance until the last second. .


  2. Beautiful atmospheric shot, John. The tweaks in Lightroom you talk about are what I call normal post processing to bring out the best of the original shot. Nothing has been changed, added or taken out just the good old dodging and burning from the film days. Lovely light down on the little harbour.
    Favourite island? Lady Elliot Island off Australia’s east coast a small coral cay and Kangaroo Island south of Adelaide on the southern side of the Australian continent – amazing wild scenery and Remarkable Rocks.

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  3. I love this photo! I am wondering what kind of tweaks you have done to it. So far, I had gotten up early to take a sunrise photo 5 times (4 am one time) and every time it was raining, too cloudy… and I haven’t been able to take one good sunrise photo out of 5. ;-( So… I appreciate your photo. 😉


    1. Helen, tweaks included levelling the sea line, increasing the shadows of the land, reducing highlights and increasing the vibrance. All of this was done in Lightroom. The trouble is I did not have a tripod for HDR and the like as was trying to travel light due to the flights we took. Glad of the appreciation, MM 🍀

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      1. Thank you so much for answering my question. You don’t know how much I appreciate it. I was hoping you said that I could turn a grey sunrise photo to a beautiful one like this. I was hoping… since that was all I got so far 😉

        I am still not sure about HDR. It seems to me that the direction of the light was often confusing in many HDR photos.


      2. With HDR it depends upon how much you set the adjustment for the brighter and darker shots that are used to compile the final image. Will post original with this so you can see the difference. A key issue with sun rises and sets is the shadow versus highlights.

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  4. What an insanely gorgeous shot (tweak or not tweak!)
    In the Charlevoix region of Quebec, we have a lovely little island called Ile aux Coudres, It has an area of 97.1 km and has all sorts of boutiques with hand-crafted wares, apple orchards supplying cider and you can easily tour it by bicycle. I’ve great memories of the place.

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  5. Lovely image. My favourite island is Gigha, just a touch to the south of this shot. I would take the kids across to Gigha as foot passengers for the day and we would climb a hill, wander the gardens and play on the beaches. It’s these happy memories that make it my favourite island. I do, however, also love Skye and Mull.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Gigha, just over Jura from where I was. Never been there so that is yet another to add to the list. I think Cuba and Harris are ahead of it mind. Love Skye and Mull too 🍀


    1. awwww, very nice of you to say so Julie. Head down working hard, sowing seeds that I hope to bear fruit….The image is from my recent Scottish holiday and just seems to sum up Colonsay. Speak very soon. MM 🍀

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  6. A great shot John the sense of freedom from technological madness oozes from the scene. Maybe you should have kept the reference to tweaking private, (only a tiny bit I trust) My wife’s ancestors come from somewhere up there via Viking raids from Norway many many generations ago. I have 2 favourite islands, 1 is Tasmania here in Australia a brilliant island with the cleanest air and water on earth and 2 is Moorea in French Polynesia.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Denis, have to look up Moorea, a new one on me. I think you summed it ip perfectly – a sense of freedom!. My own paternal side of the family are from the Highlands of Scotland. Cheers for now, MM 🍀


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