Weekly Photo Challenge – Ephemeral I

This weeks challenge is ephemeral and for my first image to meet this challenge I give you “Cup”.

Ephemeral-1The house where this cup lies has been abandoned for around thirty years so these cups have been lying around unused for a good length of time. Now I am sure that some of you are scratching your head and questioning, “How on earth does this tie in with the theme of ephemeral?”.

To me the image shows just how much time moves on and our time on this planet is but a moment. This abandoned ruin just serves to underline that and is why I believe the image fits in perfectly with the ephemeral theme.

So what do you think? Am I just twisting the definition to squeeze in some recent shots I took of a derelict building in North Cork? Let me have your views on this.



19 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge – Ephemeral I

      1. Well you have to come to Cork. I’d love to see your slice of paradise. One day ,maybe…..’til then have a great Easter 🐣🐣🐣 Hope your own little chicks are doing fine, 😎

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  1. You’re right. Spot on. At first I am thinking where is this going. We are fleeting, things such as the cup or a house stay long after its inhabitants are gone…. a very moving photo when you really think about it because you have to look deeper than just a cup in a photo scenario… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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