Pool with a View

The good staff at the Fosshotel in Patreksfjordur recommended a thermal pool over the mountains at Reykjarfjordur. So off we set for a place where a large shed stood as the changing room and an offertory box was posted for those wanting to help pay for the upkeep of the amenity. This was going to be very, very different from the Blue Lagoon experience.

The facilities may have been basic, but the view was difficult to beat. From one end you can look down the Fjord and watch the arctic terns protect their territory, snow covered peaks in the background. Swim to the shallow end of the pool and you might bump into a sheep or two as you gaze at another set of snow capped ridges and a rusty farm nestled in the valley.

It is not easy to get one’s head around the fact that you are swimming in wonderfully warm water while being surrounded by snow and birds of arctic climes. Iceland can be very surreal.

The kindly staff at the hotel also advised us to wander up from the built pool to a natural pool where the water is quite hot. Sadly when we were there a great white whale seemed to be taking in the waters 😉

The Natural Hot Hot Spring
The Natural Hot Hot Spring

While the Blue Lagoon was a good experience, this felt like the real deal. Loved it.

Have a great weekend. MM 🍀

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