New Kid on the Block

The Blonde Bombshell may have a bit of competition from the latest kid on the block – a rather sweet Hungarian Gal that is not only younger but already has legs that would make Elle McPherson go green. Over the Horizon she bounded, paused and surveyed the scene below.

On the Horizon
On the Horizon

A mad dash followed as The Hound introduced himself to the svelte beauty, only for the blonde bombshell to sort out the interloper.

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However, it did not take long for the two to become three.

18 thoughts on “New Kid on the Block

  1. Would that humans could learn to get along so fast!
    That Hungarian is a beauty to be sure… she and The Hound make quite the nice svelte couple!


    1. I use AI Servo focus as they are fast moving and tend to set to a high shutter speed in shutter speed priority. I would look to see what kind of ISO I get and aperture and if necessary alter the ISO to get a more favourable aperture setting. Hope that helps. MM 🍀


      1. Thank you for letting me know. Shutter priority! I didn’t think of that for some reason. I guess I’m just stuck in landscape mode, lol. Thank you for that help. I understand. I’ll use that next time I find myself around fast moving subjects. 😀


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