History Falling Apart

A corrugated metal roof, all red with rust, crowns what remains of the old stone house. History falling apart.

An old Irish cottage falls apart

Ivy entwines itself, running its tentacles along cracks in the walls, finding a way in where once people lived.


History, so much history and so many questions to go with it.

It may be old, but there are so many things I love about this old building, the small windows set into the stone, the irregular shaped stone work, the colour provided by the old metal roof…

Of course many may just see an old place ready to face the bulldozer. What do you see?

20 thoughts on “History Falling Apart

    1. Well they are two different pictures, but I know what you mean. For the format of the blog, I am having to use very wide and narrow images where I select “featured image’. It always surprises me how well some crops work and that I should experiment more often. Thanks for the feedback Diana, good to see you going great guns, MM 🍀

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  1. I see history…lives and loves, tears and laughter, good times and harsh times….what stories it could tell! But I also see a place to take atmospheric images, I want to be there!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Fantastic image . What a story it could tell. Probably a hideout in the troubles. Lots of struggles and hardship especially under English persecution. Births and deaths and quite a bit of hard liquer consumed and a lot of craic evenings.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I think most humans are forward looking in the sense they don’t want to explore much into history. Probably, they feel past has no relevance in their life! I love such buildings!

        Liked by 1 person

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