Weekly Photo Challenge – Perspective

When I finally saw the title for this week’s photo challenge was ‘perspective’, all I could think of was Father Ted trying to explain perspective  to Dougal. So with that in mind I was transfixed on the idea of near and far, and relative size.  Rather than use cows I resorted to whisky and poured myself a glass while I was at it.

So here is the first image:

What better name for a Whisky?
What better name for a Whisky?

Of course I took this low down and with a wide angle lens in order to exaggerate certain aspects. So if you would like to see a truer reflection of the items used, here is the second image:

Think I'll take the Caol Ila
Think I’ll take the Caol Ila

Just shows how important perspective is I guess.

Cheers, have a great weekend.

24 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge – Perspective

  1. I don’t appreciate those drinks, but always loving the way you see and makes us see everything 🙂 – artistic value always
    Wishing you an amazing weekend my dear friend 🙂 and perhaps it will bring some more pictures from the amazing land you live 😀 😀


  2. Wow! Great example of perspective, Sir Mick! And good on you to start celebratin’ St. Paddy’s Day a wee bit early!


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