Beer steins under lock and key in a beer hall, munich, bavaria, germany

Variations on a Theme

The new photo challenge for the week is “Variations on a Theme“, specifically to use a single image to show a variation in the same.

The first image I have selected is taken from Munich in Germany and was taken within an old traditional beer hall. It has been selected to portray the privilege and tradition that takes place, rather than for any photographic quality.

The steins of regulars are stored in racks in a Munich beer hall, each stein being guarded by a padlocked cage
Mein Stein

Each slot in the rack is guarded by a padlock, those still occupied waiting for the owner to return, release it from its pen and fill once more with beer. Each stein will be different in some way and cherished by its owner.

Yes, you know you are a real Bavarian when you have your own stein and a place in the rack to store it…..

Hope you enjoyed the tale behind this fine rack.


9 thoughts on “Variations on a Theme

      1. Absolutely, Buy a bottle and drink a couple of glasses each and put the bottle back behind the bar with your label attached to it. Ask for the bottle next time you go in……Worked out way cheaper and the bar ensured you kept coming back………

        Liked by 1 person

      2. For sure. They do that on some cruises (not that we didn’t usually finish our bottle of wine at dinner…) 😉


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