Beagle head down


Well let’s face, it she is a female dog is “One Foot”.

Here is the girl all grown up big and proper, far from the small pup that we first met the other side of Christmas. Don’t they just grow up so fast. Here are some images of her from not so long ago.

There seems to be a solid group of dog-lovers among the followers, so this is for you all.




29 thoughts on “Bitch

    1. I think the point is just seize the moment and enjoy it…..and aren’t dogs such wonderful companions. Having said that just dropped the dog of before going away and that is never a good feeling. Bless him……Enjoy your weekend Frederick. MM 🍀


  1. Just love the way her ear is long enough to fold upon the mat. She was a cutie (aren’t they all? I think it’s the Master’s plan so that we keep ’em…) and is indeed a very good looking young lady!

    Have a marvellous week-end MM!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Mick, all is well here! Just some terrible weather….frezing Cold….
        Soon weekend again ( isnt it awful how fast time passes…..the older we are getting!!!! 😉 ))


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