Weekly Photo Challenge – Ephemeral II

Following on from earlier post, Ephemeral I, here is a second image to meet the ephemeral theme.

Like the first shot, this image is taken in a house that has not been lived in for around 30 years. Abandoned, desolate and now almost just a shell, this suitcase can be found lying on a bedroom floor.

ephemeral II

It is as if a lifetime’s possessions can be simply packed up into a trunk, the journey continues. No one will really notice whence we are gone, life moves on. Life is fleeting, take what opportunities you can.

The text book definition of ephemeral is “lasting for a very short time”, with such synonyms as “fleeting, transient, passing, short-lived, cursory, temporary, momentary, brief…” . To my mind all of these can be used for our time on this planet and I think this image of a suitcase in a long abandoned house is so appropriate for the theme.

But what do you think?



14 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge – Ephemeral II

  1. My sister had a case like that when she was a kid that she would use to have a “tea party” or “picnic” with her toys in the garden. I think the case must have been my dads once. She kept all sorts of stuff in that case and always left her Paddington Bear in charge of it as if it were his luggage πŸ™‚

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  2. >> lasting for a very short time
    More and more, I feel that everything lasts a very short time πŸ˜‰
    I am curious… what made you going into that abandoned house? Did it smell? How long you stayed? There is a story somewhere…


  3. Oh! I wish I could share with you the picture I took of an abandoned open suitcase in the woods! (Maybe I’ll just have to finally write that particular post, though it is an Autumn one…)
    I agree with Laura!

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    1. Thank you Laura and I agree fully – it is as though it leaves a whole series of questions behind. I have another photo but I want to work on it with the suitcase in the context of the room, paint peeling etc. light coming in a window………Happy easter and thank you for the comment, greatly appreciated. MM πŸ€

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