One Four Challenge – Seaside Sentries II

So here we are in week 2 of the One Four Challenge and I am simply adding the colour back in, having gone for the black and white version in Week 1.

Why not have a go at the One Four Challenge itself, it is so easy to try and will really help to develop processing skills. Of course you could simply just have a tour of Robyn’ fine site anyway.

Week 2 - Colour Sentries
Week 2 – Colour Sentries

Now to start thinking on the process for week 3.

26 thoughts on “One Four Challenge – Seaside Sentries II

      1. Editing is fun! Really fun! Love doing that. I always edit the pictures I publish! (almost every picture)
        I only join WPC, and try to post at least one photo a week, sometimes two. If I publish more, I consider it a bonus. And is not necessarily related to WPC


  1. This is such an appealing image john. Id love to be standing there. The textural detail and vibrance are wonderful and I do like that sky.
    We really are learning new things along the way with this challenge – love that 😃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. One reader felt that the clouds took away from the image in the b/w, but I personally love them. The tree on the far left is an important piece of the composition IMHO. Thank you for taking the time to comment Karen, really appreciated. MM 🍀

      Liked by 1 person

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