Snow Highlights

In the fourth of the Snowy Series I provide an image of the snow cloaking the reeds within this generally wooded area. The scars of last year’s storms can clearly still be seen.

Snowy scene in Cork
Scene of Snow

More of this series tomorrow, with what is my favourite image.

MM πŸ€

17 thoughts on “Snow Highlights

      1. Still where I have been… in the New Mexico High Desert. Yes, we get blistering hot summers but our winters (elev. 6,000+ ft.) are prone to very cold. Snow is less an occurence but we see it it the mountains every day as they peak at 10,500 ft. A Denmark sojourn is on the radar. πŸ™‚ Trust and hope you are well.


  1. Beautiful thick snow over these reeds, great shot. Though I see two images in this, pay no attention if you don’t like what I say πŸ™‚ Crop so that both include the fallen log – the top one a landscape shot and the other a fat portrait cropped just below the first tree trunk. I just love the close reeds in this and want to make then more of the feature. Though now I’ve put this down maybe I should have waited until I’ve seen all the snowy shots πŸ™‚
    Looking forward to your favourite image.


    1. Lee, your comments are always welcome as they are always looking to provide constructive comment and suggestions. That has to be good whether I agree with them or not. I have a shot just of the reeds, but this is not included in the series (so far). I am thinking of continuing this into next week as I do have a few more images I can post – just these are my favourites. Tomorrow is the one I love, but that might be just me – might be a bit too artistic and abstract for some. Have a great day, MM πŸ€πŸ‘


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