Five Flames

Completing the recent fire set I bring you Five Flames.

Five Flames

To see the other images in this set please click on Splash of Colour,  Flickering Flames, and Autumn Burning Bright.

MM 🍀


19 thoughts on “Five Flames

      1. We’ve been quite Lucky, there have been some single digit days (like today) but the rest of the week is calling for low to mid teens – I’ll take it! 😀

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  1. In my view, the Flickering Flames is the best…only that I would’ve like to see some more details of the stem as to make the transaction between the foreground and background..a bit like in Autumn burning bright.. Nevertheless stunning images !)))


    1. I agree on the favoured image, though feel it could do with a bit more space just to the right of the stem. It was a bit hit and miss as the wind was gusting and I was using a shallow depth of field (which is what I wanted). Thanks for feedback, always searching for “more”. 😃


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