Shepherd’s Delight

There is a saying in these parts of “Red Sky at night, shepherd’s delight, red sky in the morning shepherd’s warning”.

Last night definitely spelled out Shepherd’s delight as we walked through the park, the dogs flying around in all directions in the fading light.

Alas I did not have the main camera, so here is the attempt of my phone’s built-in camera. While I have smartened it up a little in Lightroom, no colour adjustment was made – it simply wasn’t needed in my view.

Shepherd's Delight
Shepherd’s Delight


Enjoy the promise of a good day.

27 thoughts on “Shepherd’s Delight

  1. What a lovely sky! We have the same saying here, but ‘shepherd’ is replaced with ‘sailor’. Hubby knows all about it because he watches the sky and knows if he can go fishing the next day 😉


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