Farewell to Flatey

One of our favourite places we visited in Iceland was the Island of Flatey in the middle of Breiðafjörður bay. It was a magical experience and I am sure you will see more images on this blog over the next few weeks.

The hotel had no wi-fi, ducks were ever present below the landing window,  light merely faded but did not disappear, Redshanks trilled, Eider nests were everywhere, the meadows were coming into bloom…..Of course this is just one side of the story, in winter it would be a somewhat different place, but beautiful in its own way.

So here is a view of Flatey looking back from the ferry as we bade our fond farewells.

Ice2014 (34 of 73)

Thank you Flatey for allowing time to stand still, at least for a while.

22 thoughts on “Farewell to Flatey

      1. Been going through the posts on Iceland – you were obviously there later in the year to catch the berries. It also looks like you explored more of the south, including the glaciers. As you say, a fabulous country. Thanks for your comments and for sharing Mélanie, MM 💚


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