Blarney House and the Secret Garden

It was only on my fourth visit to Blarney Castle and Gardens that I discovered Blarney House. Having seen it,  I then wondered how on earth it had taken four visits to notice it; a small gardener’s cottage it is not. It reminded me of a Scottish baronial manor and the old Torridon Hotel immediately came to mind.

By this stage the clouds had moved in and drained the scene of vibrancy and colour, but nonetheless I include a photograph of this fine house for you to see for yourself. The house opens from 1st June to 31st August, so alas I was unable to go inside, but will return to do so.  Given the change in weather, I thought I’d throw in somer more shots of flowers by the house to brighten up the gallery.

Then it was along the garden wall to take the Lake Walk, passing a door that led into what looked like a large walled kitchen garden. If only I could see thorough to the other side and see this secret garden. As it was, I had to let my imagination create the scene.

On Monday the walk continues on to the Lake after being amused by a colourful showman walking along the top of the garden wall.

31 thoughts on “Blarney House and the Secret Garden

    1. Previously it has been raining, kids in two etc, so we haven’y gone beyond the castle. Due to the positioning of trees the House cannot be seen from the top gf the tower….but yeah, pretty bad!


  1. Do love those turrets ! The pastel pink bloom is so delicate … think ’tis my favourite this time MM


  2. Your photos only intensify my desire to visit all this mystery, beauty and wonder for myself. In the meantime, I am enjoying this lovely cyber-photo-journey to Blarney Castle via your posts. Can’t wait to see more photos – and more of Ireland through your lens.


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