The Outlook is Good

A ‘high’ is to be seen on the weather map coming in to hit Ireland over the weekend, starting tomorrow.  To make matters even better we can welcome back the Apprentice, which is great given that there is loads to now do in the garden.

Here is the Apprentice before she took off for warmer climes:

Return of the Apprentice
Return of the Apprentice

Obviously the smile is there because she was going on holiday and had no idea of just how much work would be waiting her in the garden.

For those who were around last year, I can report that there has been no sign of the spotted flycatchers yet, though I sense it is a bit early for them. The good news is that two pairs of swans have been spotted in the bog and the brook.

Have a great weekend. MM 🍀

21 thoughts on “The Outlook is Good

    1. It is certainly a diversion anyway. The little boy apprentice I think I spent more time climbing up and down the ladder as each time I got to the top he wanted a bit more instruction, so had to come down again. I went up and down more ladders than there are in Nora Batty’s stockings (sorry you might not get that one). 💚


      1. I actually googled it to get the reference! Too funny (but got your ticker ticking, I’m sure….good exercise!)


  1. What a bonny face MM ! Lovely .. I’m sure you’ll have the help you need little one looks like she will tackle everything with a smile …
    Enjoy the weekend !


  2. I saw that and I’m doing warm ups before I finish the task in hand digging over the flower beds and preparing them for planting. Though the seeds I plant they do tend to get scattered by a collie and her ball, ending up growing in the most surprising places..


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