Cork City Blues

On Wednesday 2nd April a number of Cork City buildings went blue in support of World Autism Awareness Day. Once more the City Hall was prominent in this light show, with both the old water frontage and the modern offices behind leading the way.


Nearby The Market Tavern was also hitting the blue theme, while on the western part of the City efforts were made to turn some of University College Cork and Washington Street blue.

To find out more on Autism, why not click on Cork Autism or World Autism Awareness Day.

16 thoughts on “Cork City Blues

  1. Thanks for the follow, MM. My favorite building in Charlotte, NC is the Duke Energy Building. I used to live within walking distance. It’s located near Panthers’ a Stadium. The entire building lights up in celebratory colors:
    blues on Panthers’ game days
    red, white, and blue on Independence Day
    green on St Patrick’s Day
    -and countless others

    I’m sure the blues were something to see, especial on numerous buildings. Thanks for sharing.


      1. Yes, it exploded all over my car! Haha! My little red Sentra is looking a bit orange with the coat of yellow pollen on it! By the way, I saw a photo this morning of our Panthers’ Stadium, as it appeared Friday during the Autism Awareness. Lovely.


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