Annual present from Portugal

It is only small at around 3 inches in width and 3.5 inches in height, but each time the Christmas paraphenalia comes down from the loft this one item brings back memories of Evora in the Alentejo region of Portugal.

It’s very simple, a little bit quirky and we liked it the minute we saw it. There were many nativity sets in the shop with individual figures that were amazing, but we struggled to justify spending that amount of money on something which comes out of a box just once a year and that might easily get damaged on the flight home. So this little piece it is, each year it gets unwrapped from its box, a present that is delivered every year and reminds us of that Portuguese holiday taken in 2009.

Evora Nativity
Evora Nativity

As it only comes out once a year it really does feel like the annual present from Evora, Portugal

24 thoughts on “Annual present from Portugal

  1. A nice memory to bring out each year MM .
    I’ve a very rustic brown clay fired sad looking donkey for the Nativity scene which our daughter made years ago which always makes me smile when I unwrap it !
    Happy Christmas to you the family and the Hound πŸ™‚


  2. I’ve a wool Nepalese nativity set that solves the breakability problem, but increases the “cats-love-to-play-with-its-parts” factor: No creche for the duration or until I solve where to put it that the cats can’t invade!

    I think your Portuguese piece is a wonderful bit of fun with all the joy of the season!


  3. That’s lovely πŸ™‚ and may 2014 bring you back to the North of my beautiful little country too πŸ˜€
    Abraço, anabela


      1. πŸ™‚ all North has an amazing green beauty, but I have a special feeling towards Porto πŸ™‚ (of course πŸ˜‰ ) and GerΓͺs πŸ™‚


      2. The Railway Station in Porto is amazing – what tiles! Geres is very pretty too with its lakes and mountains. Still can’t get over the size of meal portions in Tras Os Montes they were enormous. Beijinhos, MM πŸ’š


      3. πŸ˜€ soon, I’ll bring to you something special from ‘PitΓ΅es das Junias’ (PNPG) πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰ and LOL yes ‘a bit all over’ some of ‘we’ tend to have ‘sized meal portions’ and unbelievable great wine too πŸ˜›


      4. any ‘maduro’ is great and Alentejo is absolutely the most amazing place to have it πŸ™‚ 200% agree ❀ and also the food 'Alentejana' has no way to be compared (for me in questions of taste) πŸ™‚


      1. Thanks, kind sir! There’s a good chance Christmas will be warm – we’re off to Florida for the festive time!


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