The Quarry continues to Surprise

The wasteland of the Quarry continues to surprise me with the beauty that can be found within. On this occasion I was walking around the top edge of the crater when the yellow flower contrasting with the silver foliage drew me closer. I had no idea what it was, but was taken by the soft scene, so pulled the camera from my bag and took this shot. I was trying out a “holiday” lens to check it out but wished I had my macro lens on me;  it really does make a difference when trying to capture detail.

Another Quarry Gem
Another Quarry Gem

When I returned I tried looking up the flower but both books yielded nothing. The internet was searched and there it was, Silver Cotula (Cotula Hispida), an alpine plant.

Thanks to all my followers and especially those that have taken up the challenge of working with me. One collaborative post is up, another ‘going to the printers’ and a third is being worked on. If you are wondering what this is all about why not check out my “Collaborations” page.

13 thoughts on “The Quarry continues to Surprise

      1. Originally from the book written back in 1954, though just realised that it’s not actually a flower, but a speck of dust (that looks a little like your Cotula Hispida), actually a tiny planet called ‘Whoville’ where little creatures call ‘Who’s’ live. Yes, a very good looking speck of dust!


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