Honeysuckle Tongues

While my own garden is very small, it is amazing the number of flowers that one can fit into a small space. The honeysuckle now clambers up and over a sidewall and its perfumed scent is just devine. I have never thought of the flower itself as that stunning, but in its own way it is not bad at all. Judge for yourself. MM

Honeysuckle Detail
Honeysuckle Detail

17 thoughts on “Honeysuckle Tongues

  1. I really like the honeysuckle flower, but I have to admit it’s many parts make it devilishly hard to photograph.
    Nice job on your part.


  2. One of the joys of being back in Ireland at this time is the wild honeysuckle cascading out of the hedgerows on the back roads and country lanes. A really beautiful photo (again).


      1. I’m working on it – there’ll be something posted next week and I promise, all original photos, no matter how bad. 🙂


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